Design without limits

Discover ideas beyond the reach of human capacity. Explore unlimited ideas and optimize designs for specific materials and manufacturing techniques with the Generative Design Extension.

Improve product performance
with generative design

Discover new designs that reduce weight, increase structural integrity and extend durability.

Increase productivity
with generative design

Generative design harnesses the power of machine learning and AI to explore more ideas more quickly.

Reduce product cost

Find generative design solutions for part consolidation, material reductions and costing for different manufacturing methods.

  • Overview
  • Manufacturing Methods & Constraints
  • Machine learning & AI
  • Native, Editable Results
  • Cloud Solve
  • Costing

Generative Design

Explore multiple manufacturing-ready outcomes that meet your design specifications while reducing weight, improving performance, and consolidating parts.

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Manufacturing Methods & Constraints

Identify your design requirements, constraints, materials, and manufacturing options to generate manufacturing-ready designs.

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Additive manufacturing and generative design are helping improve product performance for our customers, optimizing strength, weight, and cost.
- Steven Syzmeczek Co-founder, Penumbra

Machine Learning & AI

Review cloud-generated design outcomes based on visual similarities, plots, and filters powered by machine learning.

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Generative design is so unique. It allows us to explore many different design options we wouldn't have been able to with traditional methods.
- Kevin Quinn Director, General Motors

Native, Editiable Results

Avoid lengthy, manual import-export processes. Choose your outcome and start editing in your modeling environment immediately.

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Things like generative design allow us to implement, execute, and manufacture in a completely different fashion than we're thinking today.
- Frank DeSantis VP, Black & Decker

Cloud Solve

Simultaneously solve for various design outcomes, freeing up your time to focus on other tasks.

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We don't have to spend months & years guessing & simulating what we think the right solution is, we look at a whole range of solutions, telling us if our idea is feasible right from the beginning.
- Matt Otto R & D Engineer, Crown Equipment


MAke the right decisions early in the design process by striking the right balance between performance and cost. Estimate your manufacturing cost, powered by aPriori, for each of the generated design outcomes, based upon production volume requirements.

Download free trial

"Generative design algorithms on Fusion 360 iterate thousands of times a minute to the point where after only four hours you can have the most optimized solution possible–saving an unbelievable amount of time in the process."

Ian Briggs, Briggs Automotive Company (BAC)

See how Matsuura UK is gaining a competitive edge with generative design

In just minutes, generative design in Fusion 360 provides many different possible workholding fixtures for 5-axis machining. These are more than strong enough to hold the billet firmly in place and maintain tolerances.

Get it now


Generate many outcomes with an annual or monthly subscription to the generative
design extension. Fixed cost plan for routine usage of generative design.

Requires a Fusion 360 subscription.


Learn more about Autodesk Cloud Credits for flexible access to generative design.
Purchase now.

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+91 8010340891

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Take a few minutes of your time and let our industry experts show you how generative design can help you innovate.

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