
30 min.

Enhance an existing model in Forma

Module overview

Gain a technical lesson where you will learn how to import an existing model into the Forma interface, analyze an imported model, import a reference image into the Forma interface, enhance a model with 3D sketch tooling, and send a proposal to Revit for further downstream design.

This content takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. The objectives:

  • Introduction to the workflow. 
  • Import an external model. 
  • Place an imported model in the canvas. 
  • Import an image file. 
  • Analyze an existing building. 
  • Edit a model in 3D Sketch. 
  • Compare analysis results. 
  • Send a model to Revit. 

Before you start

About the Authors

This content was created by Catharina Lundby and Robin Franke, Customer Success Managers (Forma) at Autodesk.

Module downloads

These downloadable resources will be used to complete units in this module: