• InfoWorks WS Pro

Generating demand areas from polygons

Generate demand areas from polygons.

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:

Step-by-step Guide

In InfoWorks WS Pro, demand area analysis provides the necessary demand profile input for simulation runs. When working with a network that does not have demand area codes already assigned, it can be helpful to create demand areas from polygons within the network.

Before carrying out a demand area analysis:

  • Allocate all known demand to the network
  • Assign any direct demand for large, metered consumers
  • Create a template demand diagram that includes demand categories for all unprofiled and leakage demand

To generate Demand Areas from polygons:

  1. From the Model Group, under DAA Start, open the Live Data Configuration.
  2. From a file browser, Demand Area Analysis folder, drag 100221.txt into the Live Data Configuration grid, and drop it in the Live Data Point ID column.

The InfoWorks WS Pro interface, dragging a TXT file from a file browser into the Live Data Configuration grid, Live Data Point ID column.

  1. Open the Demand Diagram and DAA Net Polygon and DAA Ctrl GeoPlan.
  2. From the toolbar, select Window > Grid windows > New demand area window.

The Window menu with Grid windows selected and New demand area window selected in the flyout; and in the workspace, the required Demand Diagram and GeoPlan open.

  1. In the Grid (Demand Area) window, Demand Area ID column, right-click and select Generate demand areas from polygons.
  2. Leave the boundary conditions as-is.
  3. Click Generate.

The Generate Demand Areas from Polygons dialog box with Generate selected, and in the background, the open Demand Area grid.

InfoWorks WS Pro will select a random node in the network to operate as a seed node. Then, the program traces from the seed node until other nodes within the polygon are found or until any of the boundary conditions are met. The selected nodes will then be excluded from any subsequent searches.

The program then searches for other nodes within the current polygon with the same Demand Area Code as the initially selected seed node. This operation is repeated, and the resultant selection of nodes and links defines the Demand Area until all nodes are excluded from the search and the creation of Demand Areas is complete.

A new demand area displays in the grid view:

The new demand area created using polygons appears in the first row of the Grid with a Demand Area ID of 35.

Note: When creating demand areas from polygons, you will need to enter more information than if you create demand areas from area codes.

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