Account management for admins

Designate guest users

You can designate any user (except primary or secondary admins) as a guest. Typically, you would do this for non-employees, such as contractors or vendors.


To designate a user as a guest:

  1. Sign into Autodesk Account at
  2. Go to User Management > By User.
  3. Search for or select a user.
  4. Click View Details.
  5. Click Change Role.
  6. Select This is a Guest User under the User role.
  7. Click Save.
  8. To remove the guest designation for a user, deselect This is a Guest User.

Note: Users added to your team from a connected cloud collaboration product (such as Autodesk BIM Collaborate, Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro or Autodesk Build) are added as guests by default.

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