Account management for admins

Get Flex usage information

Flex usage reporting shows the use of Flex tokens by product and by user. This can help admins optimize token usage and purchases. 


Data is protected by Autodesk privacy principles and is only used for the purposes for which it was collected. For more information, see the Autodesk privacy statement.

To view token usage

  1. Sign into Autodesk Account.

  2. Select Reporting > Token Usage.

Token usage summary

The token usage summary tracks the following for each selected team:

  • Tokens Used. The total number of Flex tokens used by all users to access all products.

  • Tokens Remaining. The number of Flex tokens remaining in the team. 

  • Tokens Added/Removed. The number of tokens added or removed from the team in the last seven days.

    Note: This only displays if tokens were added or removed in the last seven days.

  • Tokens Used By Day. A graph of the number of Flex tokens used each day for the last 365 days.

  • Token Usage By Product. The number of Flex tokens used by each product. This is the only measurement that is based on the selected time range. 

To view the token usage summary

In the Token Usage Summary report, select a time range: 

  • This month

  • Last 3 months

  • 6 months

  • 9 months

  • 12 months

For AutoCAD, including specialized toolsets, Industry Collections, and Suites, click the name of the product group to see usage by individual products.

Token usage by product

Reporting by product tracks the following for each selected team and time range:


  • Total Tokens—Total number of Flex tokens used for all products.

  • Products Used—The number of products used. 

  • Product Details—All products accessed in the selected time range. Click a product to see these additional details:

    • Total Tokens Used—The total number of tokens used with this product by all users in the selected time range.

    • Total Users—The number of users that have accessed this product.

    • Average Tokens Used Each Month—The average number of tokens used per month is calculated as the total number of tokens used divided by the number of months in the period selected. This is true even if the selected time range hasn’t lapsed. 

    • Token Distribution—The distribution of users by token consumption. For example, seven users consumed 0-100 tokens and three users consumed 101-500 tokens. This helps classify users into groups based on their average consumption.

    • Users By Versions—The product versions users have accessed.

    • User Names—The users that have accessed this product, the total number of tokens they used, and the average tokens they use per month.

To view token usage by product

  1. Select By Product.

  2. Select a product.

  3. Select a time range.

Token usage by user (available only for Premium plans)

  1. Select By User. 

  2. Select a product to view usage details by individual users.

  3. Select a time range.

To display user names and email addresses (Available only for Premium plans)

  1. Select By User.

  2. Select the settings icon by Invite Users.

  3. Select Personal Data.

To export token usage, user, and subscription data

You can download a spreadsheet that lists seat usage, users, and subscriptions.

  1. Sign into Autodesk Account.  

  2. Select Reporting > Token Usage. 

  3. Click Export to view the settings.

  4. Select a file format and a team. 

  5. Select one or more of these report types: Subscriptions, Users, and Usage Reporting.

  6. If you select Usage Reporting, select a date range. 

  7. Click Export.

To learn more about exported data, see Usage reporting export data fields.

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